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lavender bath

The powerful lavender bath with coarse salt and with sugar for love has enormous benefits that most people are unaware of.

lavender bath

I don't know if you've noticed, but this powerful and wonderful plant is commonly used in various perfumes.

This is due to its fragrant essence that makes anyone feel better.

This plant is used for perfumes, but what many are unaware of is that it has powers beyond the good smell.

It can be used to perform baths for happiness, for unloading and even baths for love.

For that to happen, we just need to add the right ingredients.

With the right recipe you will get everything you want., mainly related to love.

Throughout this article you will be able to see how to prepare and take 3 different lavender baths for various purposes.

Lavender bath – What is it for?

Lavender bath - What is it for?

The bath of this wonderful plant can serve many different purposes, but what will define it are the ingredients that we put together with the lavender.

As for the plant itself, if you want to use it alone in a bath, it has several health and soul benefits.

Lavender has the power to attract peace, quiet e felicidade for people's lives.

It does this by clearing out the bad energies and bad things that try to spoil our whole life.

From the moment you take a lavender bath you will be allowing the plant to eliminate from your life everything that hurts you.

She works with simple things, such as warding off envy from unwanted people, but it's these simple things that make all the difference in our lives.

Now, if you add it to other ingredients, you can form baths for another purpose, such as for love.

Let's start with a very strong one below!

Lavender sugar bath for love to crawl

Lavender sugar bath

This first recipe is known to have men crawling on their feet in under 5 minutes.

In this case, to get such quick results, you'll have to be together with that person, but if you're not, you'll also get results that can take just a few hours or a few days.

This lavender bath with sugar will make the loved one get cravings To be with you.

In addition, it will create a feeling of longing within the heart of your loved one so that he cannot stand another second without being by your side.

As if that were not enough, the bath also tries to eliminate from your paths everything that prevents your relationship.

It's a complete lavender bath for the love you must try today!

Ingredients and preparation

Prepare this bath following all our instructions and take it right away, we are sure you will love it!

  • 1 handful of dried lavender;
  • 3 Tablespoons of white sugar;
  • 1 Photo of your love;
  • 2 liters of water.

You may have noticed that this bath is slightly different, but believe me, it's worth a try.

To start, put the 2 liters of water in a bowl.

Along with this water, put the photo of your love, it can be of any size, and leave it there for at least 2 hours.

At the end of these two hours you can remove the photo and put the boiling water. Once boiling, add the handful of dried lavender and the 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Stir very well and when everything is well dissolved, turn off the boil.

Finish by straining everything and just keep the lavender bath water with sugar for love.

Take this bath like any other.

You just need to wash your body first with a simple shower.

From that moment on, you can throw the water from your shoulders down while you mentalize your greatest desires with your love (the one in the photo of course).

When the water runs out, let the body dry naturally.

Lavender sugar bath for love is taken.

Now just wait for the huge effects in relation to nostalgia, attraction and seduction.

It may take a few days to take effect, but if you are already with the person you love and just want to attract them even more, it may only take a few hours or minutes!

Coarse salt and lavender bath for cleaning

Coarse salt and lavender bath for cleaning

Want to get a spiritual cleansing and still the all your thoughts?

Everyday problems affect people more and more.

We lead stressful lives due to work, children and our own increasingly hectic lifestyle.

This creates inside our head a great confusion of thoughts that deteriorate us day after day.

It is recommended that you clean all this at least once every 1 months so that you can live in peace with yourself.

The thick salt and lavender bath is ideal for this.

Ingredients and preparation

Check out how to prepare and how to take it in a simple, fast and effective way!

  • 1 handful of dried lavender;
  • 7 Tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Bath preparation takes no more than 5 minutes!

Simply bring all the ingredients to a boil for about 3-4 minutes.

After that time, turn off the boil and strain the entire mixture.

Just keep the bath water, the rest of the strained stuff can just be thrown away.

Now you can shower and enjoy all its enormous benefits!

A mental and spiritual cleansing discharge bath should be taken on a calm day.

Try to choose a day when you are alone at home and there is no confusion.

After that you can go to the bathroom and throw the lavender bath mixture with thick salt from the shoulders down.

Pray 1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary during this process.

At the end, bless yourself and let your body dry naturally, this way you will get all the benefits of the mixture to the fullest.

You just need to repeat this recipe once a month or once every two months.

This will be enough to keep your head free of bad thoughts and your soul clean of bad energies that harm you.

Lavender and Rosemary Bath for Prosperity

Lavender and Rosemary Bath for Prosperity

It is very important to have love and good health, but the truth is that money also plays a very important role in people's lives.

Nowadays, nothing can be done without money, so it is essential to try everything to improve our financial life.

One of the things we can do is try a lavender and rosemary bath.

Rosemary is a powerful ingredient that attracts money, luck and prosperity.

Through it we will be able to obtain better remuneration, more luck in money and even in employment.

It costs nothing to try this bath, it only brings benefits to the body, health and even your wallet!

Ingredients and preparation

Follow our steps and take this wonderful bath very quickly!

  • 1 handful of dried rosemary;
  • 1 handful of dried lavender;
  • 2 liters of water.

This bath is slightly different in that it does not need to be boiled.

Just put all the ingredients to rest in 2 liters of water for a period of 2 to 3 hours.

After that time, strain all the ingredients and keep just the water.

As for the rest of the bath, you can just throw it away.

You don't need to take a simple shower first.

Just throw the water from your shoulders down while mentalizing a lot of money and a lot of prosperity in your life!

Finish the bath by praying 1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary.

I hope that the rosemary and lavender bath meets your expectations and that it truly helps your financial life!

More baths:

Make the most of the benefits of taking a rosemary bath with the most varied ingredients.

Use all these recipes to improve your life and the lives of those you love most.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment in the appropriate section of this article.

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