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Dream about talking to someone who has died

Our dreams can have different meanings and can be a warning sign for some mistake you are making. Many people asked us to explain the Meaning of dream talking to someone who has died and this article is going to be dedicated to that.

Dream about talking to someone who has died

Let's show you the meaning of dreaming about someone who has died, be it a friend, a dead relative or a very close relative.

We are going to explain what you should keep from this dream and if you should really give it importance or if you should just try to forget about this bad part of your life.

Get ready because this is a strong article, dream about who has died It is practically always a sign of something bad and it is important that you know the meaning of each dream to know how to protect yourself and how not to keep making mistakes.

Dreaming of talking to someone who has died

Dreaming of talking to someone who has died
Dreaming of talking to someone who has died

Before I start saying why you dreamed and what it means, it's important to make some people yourself.

Was this person your friend, enemy, relative or very close family member?

Let's go on to explain it in parts.

If you dream talking to someone who has died who was your true friend/family member or someone who loves you, it simply means that you miss the presence and conversations with that particular person.

Dreams are the way our mind finds to be able to live what is no longer possible to live and in this case you miss that person, their conversations, their adventures and their presence.

Now imagine that you dream that you are talking to someone you don't like or someone who doesn't like you...

In this case the meaning can be much worse, usually this happens when someone bad tries to convey something bad to you.

It could be something bad going on in your life or something bad that could happen..

It's not usually associated with deaths or anything like that so don't worry.

It's just a warning of something bad that has happened or is just going to happen.

Have you dreamed of someone who has already died, with only your image? See below what it means!

Dreaming of someone who has died (without talking)

dream about who has died There are several ways to dream and several ways to convey messages.

Do you have a habit of dreaming about someone who has died?

In the above case you dreamed of the deceased and he talked to you, but there are cases where the dead just don't talk.

This meaning is for those people who only see the deceased, only part of the body or the whole body and nothing more.

As in the example above, its meaning will depend on the deceased.

Was he your friend or enemy?

If he was your friend, you can be rested... Usually the dead try to communicate with the living through dreams, if you only saw the deceased it is very likely that they are just homesickness, on your side and on his side.

Dreaming allows us to enter the other world and is one of the best ways to communicate with those we love the most.

If he was your enemy, it could also be a warning sign, but usually it's just to scare you.

You know those people who, even after they're dead, don't let go of us?

Well, dreaming about someone who has already died can be just a simple scare preached by the deceased, it will not affect you, you will just be scared and startled.

If he hasn't communicated with you, there's no harm in it.

To dream of someone who has died very young

Dream about someone who has already died

Few mystical portals usually explain the true meaning of dreaming about dead let it be new...

You are likely to experience this if you are close to a young person, child or even a baby who died like this, without even being able to live a full life of happiness.

Don't worry because dreaming about someone who died very young just means that this person has stayed in your subconscious, you were traumatized by the event, probably due to your age, and you still haven't been able to forget that person.

The deaths of young people are always an unpleasant surprise and sometimes they take a long time to get out of our heads.

Try to relax and move forward with your life, they have gone to a better place where they will be cared for and blessed.

Don't stop here!

We have one more interesting meaning below… I bet you'll want to see it!

dreaming of dead people

Has a habit of dreaming about dead people and don't know what it means?

Luckily we have some great news for you as this is one of the best signs you can get!

It may seem strange and even a lie, but the truth is that the meaning of dreaming about dead people is very positive.

If this happens to you, it's a sign that something good will happen to your life, something will improve and something will change for the better.

This improvement will make you happier and happier and will also make all the dead people you dream about.

Get ready because good things are coming, especially if this is a recurring dream.

It is obvious that you can be scared in your sleep and wake up with a start, but rest assured that your life will not take long to improve overnight.

Many people are afraid that this dream is bad and tend to do baths, prayers and spells to try to get rid of this evil, but don't worry!

Dreaming of a friend who has died

Losing a friend is one of the worst things that can happen to us.

Its presence simply disappears and it becomes very difficult to live with its absence during our lifetime.

First, you have to think that he is now delivered to God and that it is in a better location.

And after that you may simply be able to interpret what it means to dream about a friend who has died.

Do you have a habit of dreaming talking to a person who has died and that person is your friend?

Or just dream about your image?

Whatever the dream it has only one meaning...

You think about this person a lot and they are worried about you.

Usually the dead seek to communicate with those they love most through dreams and this is an example of that.

Your friend wants to convey to you that everything is fine with him.

He wants to show that his death was just a phase of his life and that he is now in a better place and that you don't have to spend your whole life thinking about him because he is fine.

Rest, stop thinking about your friend that dreams will disappear.

But have you ever thought about dreaming as if that person were alive? We explain below…

Dreaming of people who have died as if they were alive

Dreaming about someone who has died can be scary, but dreaming of people who have already died as if they were alive can be even scarier.

Luckily for you, it's not a red flag.

And much less a sign that something bad is going to happen to you or that person.

On the contrary!

To dream of people who have already died as if they were alive means that something good will happen in your life.

It could be something simple like finding $10 or it could be something wonderful like getting a big pay raise.

Or if you don't have a job, it could even mean that you'll be able to get one soon!

If you are experiencing difficulties and are in need of a little luck, it is very likely that you have it because this type of dreams only attract good things and positive things!

Dreaming about someone who has died talking to you

This meaning is similar to the first one presented, of dreaming talking to a person who has died.

As in the example above it will only depend on one thing…

Was this person your friend or was this your enemy?

If that person is your friend, such as a good friend, father, mother, sibling, or other kind of family member, it could simply mean that you miss you and that person misses you too.

You use dreams to kill all those longings and your loved ones who passed away do the same.

Don't be afraid to dream about someone who has died talking to you if they are close and friends.

Their conversations in dreams serve to try to make up for all the time they lose during all the days when they are not present next to each other.

Now let's go to the enemies... Dreaming about someone who has died talking to you can be bad if that person is bad...

If so, it could mean problems, it could mean that your life is not going well and that something bad is going to happen in it that you will not like.

It could be fired or it could just flatten a tire.

Either way, don't be worried because it doesn't mean death, neither your death nor the death of a friend, family member or acquaintance.

Dream of a husband who has already died

There are few credible explanations on the internet about what it means to dream of a husband who has died.

We analyzed dozens of testimonies and came to the conclusion that most of the time this is a warning sign, either for a good thing or for a bad thing.

One of the reports we found was:

“I dreamed about my husband who passed away 1 year ago, she asked to talk to me, in the dream I didn’t want to hear it, then I dreamed of an accident…”

When the dream is ignored and you refuse to talk to the person, it makes another dream go through your head and in that dream it shows its message.

If you dream of a husband who has died and after that you don't have any dreams with any message, don't worry because it's not a warning sign.

If you have the experience of dreaming about a husband who has died and after that dream about some event, it is better to be alert, it can be a good thing or a bad thing.

We start by explaining what it means dream talking to someone who has died and we ended up telling you several other meanings, such as dream about who has died!

Anyway, there are still other examples of meanings, we know many more, if you have any suggestion or dream report that you don't know the meaning, feel free to comment on this article.

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Comments (11)


My father died of a bad subitp two months ago. That night I dreamed about him. He was alive, but sick. He was in pain, he was very weak in a hospital. He saw other people, acquaintances. Some that are alive, one is already dead too, but it appeared alive.
I dreamed all night. She woke up, prayed. She went back to sleep and continued the same dream. Is he okay?


He is undergoing treatment, when he heals he will make his way to a much better place. In the meantime you pray for your father's soul and say
to him in your prayers what your heart feels, tell him you love him and for him to go that all of you will be fine. Tell him what he always wanted to hear.


I dreamed about my cousin, who died murdered about 3 years ago, in the dream we were lying there holding my hand, telling me to tell his mother that he loved him very much, and if his brother did any harm to his mother, it was for his mother tell his cousin maick, he was very dirty in the dream


I dreamed about my dead friend, I saw him sad as if he was crying, in the dream my husband asked me “why does Andy cry? I replied: The brother is spending his money .obs;brothers were twins .the longing is immense. 🙌


I dream every week about a childhood friend who died in May by accident, she was married to my cousin….because I've been dreaming about her telling me something but I don't know what…and in these dreams I hug her mother and we cry a lot…and her same thing with her brother.😪what does that mean?


I dreamed about my boyfriend's mother who has already died. But the thing is, I've never seen her, either in a photo or in person!. In the dream, it's as if she were really alive, as if I was talking to anyone in the family and also when she spoke, she looked right into my eyes and said something that made me stay very focused (When I woke up, everything that happened and especially what she said to me in the dream... it doesn't get out of my head. In the dream we were a happy family / but even so: I don't understand why I dreamed about a person I've never even seen, not by photo or anything. mean something? or was it just a creation of my thoughts from having heard of her?


Good morning…
I dream about my mother-in-law, almost daily
She left us with a disease that we weren't prepared for…practicing overnight.
Leaving with us an alcoholic adult son with serious mental problems.
I was the only one of all the family members I talked to on her deathbed… promising to give her son the medication.
But the dream is so real it feels like I can touch it...
And a nice dream she tells us that she came back because she missed her... everything goes back to normal people accept it as if it was a misunderstanding, and everything is fine... the dream always appears in the kitchen of her house... we liked to stay because we had our meals at the table.
Sometimes I comment with her… but Dona Belita I just donated all her belongings… it's been 6 months since she passed away and I still haven't been able to get rid of everything… every time I go to move I take something out and keep it as if she were going to come back.
I live in the same backyard, but whoever stayed in the house and the son. I avoid going there, I just go to take food and medication…
When I'm there, I live as if she's gone out to solve something and comes back…I keep everything in the same place, nothing different.
Only that now the house does not have the same freshness and joy as before…
But in the dream I get to feel aromas that awaken my joys.
But I'm lost, not knowing what to do, not that it's a bad dream… but I'm very afraid of the interpretations… oh my 16 year old daughter has the same dream as mine. Thanks for reading and I hope it can help me…. Sincerely Lilian


I dreamed of my grandmother who passed away many years ago, in the dream she appeared as a light and rose to the sky and became a star, I am trying to understand this dream.


I dreamed about my ex-husband but they told me he died but I haven't seen him for 13 years .and I dreamed about him I knew he was already dead I remembered in the dream .the agent was in a house I was making corn porridge and he asked to me if he could eat I said yes I really wanted to hug him but I couldn't in the dream I was going to ask if it was true that he had died but when I was going to ask he said I'm going there and I asked where are you going he replied I'm going there and I asked the question and he didn't answer me, he just said so I'll look for you so we can talk.. then my doubt came, is he really dead. usually when the husband or wife dies the phrase used and I'll get you and then or the wife dies or the husband ..but I'll look for you so we can talk not to hear about it..and I wanted to know the meaning of this dream…I've been waiting for it for a long time for us to talk….


I dreamed about my mother-in-law and my son's father… She wanted to give me a slice of cake and I was in something like a car and I was passing her quickly where I only managed to get half of it. My son's father beside her anxious for me to get the cake. Both depart for eternity. Him first and then her. My father-in-law had gone before. Thanks


I had the same dream two nights in it I saw my cousin already dead she was 33 years old died of cancer we had a normal relationship with cousins ​​but we were not very close I was very sad about her death three years ago I had never dreamed of her in the dream I I saw her laughing and we were walking on the patio of my house it looked real but I didn't hear what she was saying, the second night the same thing, but she was wearing a different outfit, I wasn't scared the first night, I was even happy to see her smile . I searched on the internet and found several meanings what caught my attention is that I would suffer a loss, I went to sleep worried I had the same dream and in the morning I received the news that my 22-year-old friend and compadre was found dead at 3:40 in the morning leaning over about her motorcycle death a possible sudden illness or natural death I was shocked I was sure she tried to communicate to warn about his death
