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Dream about water in the Animal Game

Many of our dreams give us important messages and warnings about our life. Some of them can prevent us from big losses, while others can make us earn some money. Dream about water in the Animal Game is an example of this.

Dream about water in the Animal Game

This same dream can indicate moments of great prosperity and abundance, but it can also mean that we are going to experience moments of bad luck.

This luck and misfortune can apply to Jogo do Bicho. In this case, there are dreams about water that indicate a lot of luck in the game, while others indicate bad luck.

Dreaming of water: dreams that indicate luck in Jogo do Bicho

clean water

As we said above, there are dreams that indicate luck and others bad luck. So, we decided to talk about all of them separately. Below we will put the dreams with water that indicate luck and the proper guesses and lucky numbers for the Jogo do Bicho.

Clean water is a sign of luck

During your dream did you see very clean and clear water? This is a big sign that things are going to start going well, especially in the game.

Here it doesn't matter if it was water from the river, the sea, in a glass or in any other place. If the water was very clean and “transparent” you can be sure that this indicates luck. Below are the guesses you should use.

  • PET: Rooster
  • GRUPO: 05
  • TEN: 53
  • HUNDRED: 251
  • THOUSANDS: 7315

Blue and beautiful water too

Was the water quite blue and very beautiful? Almost like in the movies or in a swimming pool? So, rest assured because this is also a great indication that a phase of financial abundance is approaching.

So, you can and should take a chance on the game and place some bets. We'll leave the guesses you should use below, but remember that you only use them if you want to.

  • PET: cat
  • GRUPO: 05
  • TEN: 53
  • HUNDRED: 251
  • THOUSANDS: 7315

Even better water source

A water fountain is a wonderful thing that is always giving people water and sustenance. So, taking this into account, we can say that the dream is a symbol of luck in the game.

You just need to be careful if the fountain is pouring dirty water, that was already a pure sign of bad luck. However, if the water is normal, you can rest and bet freely.

  • PET: Monkey
  • GRUPO: 05
  • TEN: 53
  • HUNDRED: 251
  • THOUSANDS: 7315

Rainwater is also a good sign.

Was it raining a lot during your dream and you don't know if it indicates luck or not? Fortunately, dreaming of rainwater is a sign of luck in Jogo do Bicho, however, it is quite limited.

What we are trying to tell you is that this luck will only last for 24 hours after the dream. So it's better to get it quickly before it passes!

  • PET: Lion
  • GRUPO: 05
  • TEN: 53
  • HUNDRED: 251
  • THOUSANDS: 7315

Dreaming of water: dreams that indicate bad luck in Jogo do Bicho

dirty and muddy water

As you may already know, not all dreams indicate luck. Some of them indicate moments of great misfortune and financial losses. So check them out below to avoid betting when you have any of them.

Dirty water is bad luck

We must avoid the world of gambling and luck when we have dreams about dirty water. Dirty water indicates dirty times, when we don't see anything and when we make mistakes.

In addition, this type of water also indicates problems due to impulses and bad luck. With that in mind, just don't bet if you had that dream.

Muddy or muddy water too

Muddy water is exactly the same. Dreaming of muddy and muddy water indicates a lot of bad luck in the Animal Game. So, you should really avoid betting for a few days.

What we recommend is that you do not place any type of bet for 3 days. Respect this period of time, otherwise it is very likely that you will lose all the amounts bet.

Dreaming of dark water is a sign of bad luck in Jogo do Bicho

Unfortunately, any kind of dark water is a sign of bad luck. As expected, this water indicates dark paths and without opportunities and good things in sight.

So just don't bet for a while.

Snake in the water is also bad luck

This dream is slightly different, but there are also many people having it. Snakes in the water are a big sign of bad luck, so try to stay out of the gambling world if you've dreamed of one.

This is one of the last dreams that indicate luck and bad luck, but don't forget to see the lucky numbers below!

Lucky numbers to dream about water

As you may know, our dreams can also reveal lucky numbers to us, so we would not forget to include them in this article.

We just want to draw attention not to use them in dreams that indicate bad luck, just use them in dreams that indicate luck.

Dreams that indicate bad luck also refer to bad luck in other games, so it is not even worth using lucky numbers if we are going to be unlucky.

  • Lucky numbers: 05, 09, 24, 26, 41

More dreams in the game:

As you may have noticed, our dreams can be complex and give us different signals about our lives.

In this case, dreaming of water in Jogo do Bicho can have several interpretations, but we have to analyze the dream step by step to know for sure which are the scenarios that indicate luck and bad luck.

Hope you make the most of all the guesses and lucky numbers left in this article!

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