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Dream about father who has died

Dream about father who has died it can have several different meanings, especially if the death was recent.

Dream about father who has died

Many people believe that dreams transmit our feelings and fears in a hidden way, but there are other theories regarding them.

One is that our loved ones use dreams to try to communicate with us.

Sometimes they use this means of communication to calm us down, to ask us for help or simply to miss being by our side.

These meanings intrigue a lot of people, but we will clarify them in this article.

We will show the “normal” meaning of dreaming about the father who has died and the “mystical” meaning, that is, that of communication with the dead.

If you believe that your loved one is trying to communicate with you, you can be sure that you will find the answer in this article.

We show you the normal meaning of dreams and the mystical meaning for those who believe that the dead may be trying to communicate with us through dreams.

Believe me, you won't find an explanation like this anywhere else.

Check out everything you need to know below!

What does it mean to dream of a father who has died

What does it mean to dream of a father who has died

Before I can tell you for sure what the meaning of your dream is, you need to remember its details.

This dream is very general…

It is impossible to determine its meaning in this way without knowing what the father was doing...

You need to think…

Was your father alive in the dream? Was he smiling? Crying? Or was he just talking to you?

If you can remember these details, it's easy to see the meaning.

We've put them all right below, check out everything you need to know right now!

Dreaming of a father who has already died alive

This dream is one of the most common that people have when they lose loved ones.

This dream is not associated with any message that a loved one wants to convey to you, it only means one thing… Miss you!

In fact, you never got over the death of your father and that is leaving you with a huge longing inside your chest.

These longings are creating repetitive thoughts inside your head that are impossible to control and they are manifesting through dreams.

Dreaming of a father who has already died alive also conveys a little trauma that remained in your head.

Don't worry, it's completely normal to create head trauma with difficult times, especially with a death.

We can only recommend that you try to overcome all this.

Don't forget because we know it's completely impossible, just try to move on and think your father is in a better place now.

We all end up dying, it just happens at different times for all of us, remember that this is a natural event in life.

If your father is smiling in the dream, the meaning changes completely… Let’s go on to explain…

Dreaming of a father who has already died smiling

There are two possible explanations here!

One of them related to the meaning of dreams and another related to spiritism and the message of the dead to the living.

Let's start with the normal meaning of dreams.

To dream of a father who has already died smiling means that good things will happen in your life.

A smile is something good, something positive that only happens when there are good things and in dreams it means just that.

There are going to be some changes in your life that are going to be extremely positive and that will make you extremely happy.

It is impossible to determine what these changes will be, it is only possible to know that they will be good and this dream is proof of that.

This is one of the meanings, but there are those who believe in a completely different theory!

There are those who believe that dreaming of a father who has already died smiling means that the father is trying to convey a message to the children.

This message is related to well-being and usually happens when children don't stop thinking about their deceased parents.

In this case it means that your father is trying to convey to you that everything is fine with him, that he is fine where he is and that he needs to stop with him with sadness.

When you remember him, don't just remember his death, remember the good times spent by his side.

Your father is telling you that he is fine and that he is happy.

Calm down, accept his departure and believe that he is fine, only then will you be able to continue living your happy life.

Dream about the father who died crying

This is one of the most striking dreams that scares people the most and it can also have two different meanings.

One of these meanings linked to the world of dreams and another linked to the world of the dead.

Dream about father who died crying it is a sign that there will be a negative setback in your life.

This setback can be a big problem that will make you suffer.

Seeing your father crying means the suffering he will feel with these problems.

Be aware that this dream does not mean that this thing will be associated with your father or his death.

As in the previous dream, it is impossible to determine which bad event this will be.

We can only recommend that you stay strong to face all these challenges.

This is one of the meanings...

Dreaming of a father who has already died crying can mean something else...

There are those who believe that this means that your father is trying to convey unhappiness with your life.

Usually your father may be crying in his dreams due to his misfortune to have seen him leave.

When a son is sad, a father is also sad because he suffers from his suffering.

In this case, your father is seeing you in pain and is completely tearing him apart.

This meaning makes sense to many people and there are those who truly believe in it.

If you believe this, you can only try to improve your life and try to be happy without your father's presence.

Remember that dreaming of a father who has already died crying is a bad sign, but you can use it for good.

Use this to improve your life, to be happy again, with or without your loved one's presence.

Your father wants you to be happy, just it.

Dreaming of a father who has already died dying again

This is one of the dreams that has only one meaning and that is incredibly easy to explain.

It is associated with a major trauma to your head.

This trauma was caused by the death of your father and you still haven't gotten over it.

Basically, dreaming of a father who has already died dying again means that he has not yet gotten over the death of his father and that he probably will not be able to get over it anytime soon.

A death is an incredibly difficult thing to face, especially from a parent, and you're having a hard time with that.

It is impossible to control or stop these dreams voluntarily.

It remains for you to live your life and try to overcome everything that is holding you back.

Only then will you be able to stop having this dream and be truly happy.

Dreaming of a father who has already died dying again is quite traumatic, if you want help in this regard, we recommend that you pray some kind of prayer from our blog, it can be a way to help you.

Is dreaming of my dead father really bad?

Are these dreams really bad?

Does it convey that you will be very unhappy? Or are they mere accidents without any kind of meaning for our lives?

As you may have already realized, each dream is a dream and each one has a completely different meaning.

Usually this dream is not a bad one, it just means that you think too much about your father's death and that you still haven't gotten over it.

The only bad thing that can come after him is traumas that are practically impossible to heal.

Analyze all the details of your dream and check out the proper meanings in this article.

Do what we recommend and try to get over this death once and for all.

One can never forget that death is a natural thing in life and that no one is able to control it.

More dreams:

Dream about father who has died can have thousands of different meanings.

It is now up to you to assess all the details of this dream and what you have to do to end them once and for all.

If there is any dream that you had that is not present in this article, do not hesitate to comment.

I will be very happy to explain what it means as soon as possible!

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Comments (14)


I dream almost every night about my dead father and he is always alive in the dream and saying that he didn't die and he is always angry with me, and in the dream I don't want to accept that he is alive what can it mean?


I always dream that my dead father is alive.
He's always sick in the hospital or sick, living on the street, I never dream of him in the house he used to live in. The last dream he lived in and was very dirty tired but didn't want to sleep.


I dreamed that my father who passed away asked me to help my niece and he was so beautiful and he tells him that and I knew he was dead he and my mother were talking to me to help my niece and I started to cry and then I I looked to the side and woke up from the dream and it was night but I always dream of dead people giving me a message or asking for help….


All my dreams my father who is already deceased (loved life) died for lack of proper medical care. They filled with medicine but never for the right problem, I know how much he loved life. And whenever I dream about him, he's indignant, crying, knocks on the table and looks at me and says: it's not fair, that couldn't have happened. All dreams are running away from something bad. Yesterday, however, I dreamed of him just crying. I don't remember the dream but he was crying. What can this mean?


I dreamed about my father who passed away 3 months ago. I was telling him that he had passed away and his reaction was to cry as if he didn't know he had passed away.


my parents are deceased, and i dreamed of them both alive and my father hit my mother and she comes to me asking for help?


I would like to know what it means to dream getting flowers from my father who is already deceased in the dream he arrives and gives me flowers with a very long handle and beautiful red ones but he gives me hugs and doesn't say anything.


I dreamed of my dead father and in the dream I could see him even though I knew he was dead I saw it as an apparition. Nobody could see him in the dream, only I saw him and I even managed to touch him. Which can mean being able to see my father even after death as if I could see his spirit among us. He was serene, seriously. And regular clothing. But I knew that it was his spirit that I could see even after his death.


I dreamed that my father who passed away asked me to help my niece and he was so beautiful and he says that to him and I knew he was dead he is my mother station talking to me to help my niece and I start to cry and then I I looked to the side and woke up from the dream and it was night but I always dream of dead people giving me a message or asking for help


My father passed away 4 months ago, I dreamed that we lived in a house we lived in when I was about 18 and there was an apartment above my house and there was no door, just a big one that you could go up and I climbed and climbed and I found the house so beautiful I used to say that I was going to tell my father that I wanted to live there, but I would go into the room and see dead people and I would run down and my father would come and tell me to be quiet because they would listen to me


I dreamed of my father in the dream he was alive and hiding from me because he loved to do that to scare me when he was alive when I found he was hurt with some cut that I didn't identify I tried desperately to find the cut to clean and take care of him and he did it calm all the time told me that everything was ok with him that everything would be ok then i told him that i loved him very much and he said that he knew i didn't need to worry that life would hurt me a lot still what do you mean???


I dreamed that my father was not dead but that he was suffering a lot with pain in his leg. And then I asked him why he hadn't shown up before knowing that his family was suffering from his death and even then he was missing for 3 years.


I took care of my grandmother for a few months and it was really good for both of us. She passed away and I was with her… I prayed for her that she would be peaceful. It was sad and beautiful. I started to dream about her every day, for months, they were beautiful dreams of her walking happily in a beautiful place. Until we went looking for a spiritist church that we always attended… then she communicated with us. She revealed her name and messaged us, since then the dreams have subsided and I feel she is fine.


My father passed away on 18/07/2018. I dreamed a lot and remembered, since then I haven't dreamed anymore. A few months ago I started to dream very little again. Today I dreamed that I was passing through a place with mud, I had to balance myself, not to fall, because the sides were like deep ditches. There were flowers that had fallen from the vases and I went to fix them. There were fruits and salads too. It must be because I always clean his grave. Suddenly my father was in a stone bed and he woke up… he said he was very sleepy, that he already wanted to sleep again. We talked a little, he said he was fine, he talked about the place, I told him a few things and he was weak, sleepy. He turned on his side and held my ankle… he fell asleep and I was crying with joy that he had spoken to me and with sadness that he had to leave again. I asked if people could see him, but no one could but me. It felt very real, I woke up but it felt like I was awake… I felt like something was actually holding my ankle. I cried and thanked God for allowing my father to come in my dream, and I thanked him for coming too. I miss you so much.
