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Dreaming of a mouse in the Animal Game

It is certain that dream of a mouse in the animal game can indicate good and bad tides in relation to our luck.

Dreaming of a mouse in the Animal Game

Our dreams can really reveal many things to us.

One of those things is whether we are going to be lucky or unlucky during our games.

But can an animal like a mouse or rat tell us if we are going to approach in groups, dozens or even hundreds?

Can he tell us which animal to bet on to win this contest?

Fortunately yes, but it will depend from dream to dream.

There are dreams with these animals that indicate luck and others that simply indicate bad luck.

Dreaming of a mouse: Dreams that indicate luck in the animal game

white mouse in the animal game

As we mentioned earlier, there are dreams that indicate good luck and bad luck.

Let's talk now about those that indicate luck.

If you had them, you should use the combinations that we show at the end of each one.

We talked about the dream and if you had it, you should use the animal, the group, the tens, hundreds and thousands spoken.

Check below the dreams that indicate that you will be lucky!

White rats indicate a lot of luck!

This is one of the dreams that indicates that you will be very lucky in your next bets.

This dream lasts for only 3 days.

That is, after dreaming, this luck will only last for three days, nothing more.

It doesn't matter what the mouse was doing, whether it was biting, dead, alive or doing anything else.

The important thing is that the color white, even being on a mouse, indicates good omens related to the game.

  • PET: Rabbit
  • GRUPO: 10
  • TEN: 37
  • HUNDRED: 137
  • THOUSANDS: 0137

Large rats are also good signs

Here what we are going to focus on is the size of the mouse.

Usually, when they are big or gigantic it is a sign that we are going to be very lucky.

There is only one exception… If he is black!

If it is black or dark it symbolizes bad luck.

If it is any other color, it is a sign of great luck and that you should place a bet.

Here too, it doesn't matter what this mouse was doing, the important thing is that it is big!

  • PET: Rabbit
  • GRUPO: 7
  • TEN: 73
  • HUNDRED: 423
  • THOUSANDS: 7431

Was it a baby mouse?

Dreaming of a mouse in the animal game can indicate a lot… What if it is a baby mouse?

Know it's a great sleep!

It symbolizes the approach of a lot of luck in the coming days, just be patient.

The baby mouse symbolizes that your game is also just beginning…

But, like the mouse, he will grow, along with his luck.

Therefore, it is enough to bet gradually because good times are approaching in relation to the game!

  • PET: Ostrich
  • GRUPO: 12
  • TEN: 05
  • HUNDRED: 233
  • THOUSANDS: 6438

Dreaming of rat feces is a good sign in the animal game

We arrived at another rather curious dream…

People usually think that feces just indicate bad things, but this is completely wrong!

In the dream world they are a sign of luck.

Therefore, if you have dreamed of them, it is because you will be very lucky in the game.

You can take advantage of this luck as it will last about 3 days.

Check out our tips and don't waste any more time!

  • PET: Bear
  • GRUPO: 09
  • TEN: 12
  • HUNDRED: 633
  • THOUSANDS: 2787

Dreaming of a mouse: Dreams that indicate bad luck in the animal game

black mice indicate bad luck

Unfortunately, not all are good omens…

And with the dream world everything can change overnight!

Dreams about mice do not always indicate good things, there are a number of them that even indicate very bad luck!

You need to see if you had any of them because only then can you prevent big financial losses.

Let's move on to dreams who indicate bad luck?

Black rat is a sign of very bad luck...

We've talked about it before, but it bears repeating.

Normally the color black is associated with good things and bad events and in this case it is no different.

Black rats indicate a streak of bad luck.

Therefore, we recommend that you do not even place any type of bet.

Neither in the animal game nor in any game that includes lucky numbers.

Believe me, prevention is better than cure, especially with black rats appearing in dreams!

Mouse Bite… Stay away from the game!

A rat bite hurts, right?

This bite pain is associated with the pain you will have if you bet.

Why? Because you will simply end up losing everything you bet.

Fortunately this dream is warning you to stay away from the game.

That way you can take the opportunity to simply not play.

If you decide to take a risk, we recommend that you do so with very low values ​​as this dream does not usually fail.

Rat running symbolizes bad luck too

There is only one exception here… If the mouse is white or light.

If it is any other color, you can be sure that it is a sign of very bad luck in the game in the next few days.

This bad luck can last up to 5 days.

It may seem like a lot, but it's better to know than to gamble and end up losing everything.

Run away from gambling these days just like that mouse is running away!

Trust me, it's the best thing you can do in these kind of warning situations.

lucky numbers

We want to finish this article by showing you some lucky numbers for this type of dream.

They should only be used if you have dreamed something that indicates luck.

If you've had dreams that indicate bad luck, just don't use them.

The numbers can be for Mega-Sena, LotoFácil and all those television contests.

  • Lucky numbers: 07, 01, 24, 03, 23
  • Lucky numbers: 12, 09, 41, 28, 44

More dreams:

You must have realized by now that luck is not always on our side.

That's why dreaming of a mouse in the animal game can save our lives and our bets.

We know that sometimes it's hard not to play, but believe me it's usually the best thing to do, if there's a sign for it.

Any additional questions just comment on this article.

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