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dream with rosary

We have many different dreams throughout our lives, but dream about rosary or rosary It has a very strong meaning that a lot of people should know about.

dream with rosary

You may think it's a lie, but the truth is that our dreams can help us at various times in our lives.

Many of them give us messages about what is going or what might happen.

Through these warnings we can prepare for less good times in our lives and so we can protect ourselves.

But don't keep thinking that all dreams are bad, there are also some with good meanings, and in this case the third can have a good meaning that few people know.

Let's go on to sculpt the importance of this dream, even if the rosary is broken, whether brown, white, black or in your hand.

What does it mean to dream of a rosary

What does it mean to dream of a rosary

The third means only one thing: protection.

This protection may be associated with some people who want to harm you or with something bad that may happen.

In some more extreme cases it even means that we are being protected by someone who has already died, but this only happens when the third is white.

But in a very general way it means that we are being protected by God or that we need your help to stay safe.

Its more concrete meaning will have to be revealed according to the rosary, that is, whether it was black, white, or another characteristic.

To help you more precisely, we reveal below all the dream meanings, check them all out and see which one fits your dream.

Dream about a broken rosary

broken rosary

A broken rosary is not a very nice thing to dream about.

Although this is a rare dream, the truth is that many people have it in bad moments of their life and they think the worst, because a broken third is never a bad sign.

This dream means that you will need all the help you can get in the next few days of your life.

A challenge will appear, a great challenge, which you will find it difficult to face and you will need all the help possible so that you can overcome it.

This challenge can be related to relationship endings, dismissals or even the death of someone.

Be careful with this dream, dreaming of a broken rosary is not a good sign, we recommend that you pray a little to try to soften or prevent this from happening.

We have a prayer of protection at the end of this article, you need to pray it today.

Dream about brown rosary

brown third

Brown is a dark color, but not as dark as black, so you don't have to worry too much.

When we have these kind of dreams, it means that you will face an enemy in the next few days and that you will need help to overcome it.

Brown is a color that interprets a challenge, that is, it is almost black, which is a bad color, of darkness, of evil…

Get ready, there's a person in your life who pretends to be your friend a lot, but doesn't really like you.

This person will reveal himself and you will be very sad about it because you held him in high regard.

Look around, evaluate all the people you get along with, you will be surprised by the person you least expect.

If the brown rosary is broken, pay even more attention, it will shake you even more!

dream of a white rosary

This dream has a very characteristic meaning and many people tend not to believe in it.

If you just dreamed of rosary is white it's a sign that there are things that are trying to bring you down, but luckily a relative of yours who is no longer in this world is protecting you.

You deserve to be protected and you are indeed being protected by God with the help of a relative who was very fond of you.

Be well, be happy, live your life normally, that's what those people who love you the most want.

If you had this dream, be happy, you are a very special person and there is someone “up there” praying for you, protecting you, with all the affection in the world.

It's practically impossible to know who you really are, but if you think a little, you can get there.

It could be a mother, a father, a brother or even a grandfather or grandmother.

What is certain is that it is familiar to you.

dream of black rosary

We find it interesting that the meaning of dreaming with a black rosary does not exist anywhere else.

In fact it is a very, very unusual dream, but the truth is that there are people having it.

Black signifies darkness, death, loneliness and sadness.

It's a sad and bad color to dream about.

Together with a third it forms a very rare dream with a very characteristic meaning.

This dream means that there are negative spiritual forces trying to harm you.

When we talk about negative spiritual forces we are talking about negative energies, evil eye, envy, jealousy and anger.

They are energies that pass from person to person that try to affect you negatively.

It could be jealousy of your life, anger at your husband, or envy of your success.

Luckily you are being protected most of the time and luckily you won't even feel these attacks.

What we recommend is that you stay away from all the people you see who want to do you harm, that you stay away from false friends and true enemies.

Lead a normal life and avoid attracting too many looks.

Dream with rosary in hand

Having this type of dream is common and means that you should have more faith and believe more in the existence of God.

Another thing that this dream can mean is the lack of communication with God, that is, you pray little, you talk little to God, you go to mass a few days, and that makes you have this type of dream.

It usually doesn't mean evil, don't worry.

If you have this dream repeatedly it is a warning sign, it is a sign that you need to pray more and have more faith in God.

Rosary in the fallen to the ground

If you saw a rosary lying on the ground during a dream, it is likely that you are being targeted by several attacks from enemies that you are unable to resist.

There are people who don't like you and you know who they are, but you still don't walk away from them, thus allowing them to hurt you.

We recommend that you take a good look around you and see who wants to hurt you.

Stay away from these people and also pray more often with great faith.

This dream appears in some people, if it appeared in you it is a sign that you need to pray and get away from someone.

If you're looking for protection keep reading this article, we've got a great one right below!

Protection from all dreams

As you may have seen throughout this article, it is not always good to dream of a rosary.

There are bad things that can happen in your life and the only way to protect yourself is to pray with a lot of faith.

One of the most effective prayers that we recommend to all our readers is the Prayer of Our Lady of Desterro.

This powerful prayer will keep all evil from you and will prevent bad things from happening to you and those you love the most.

We also recommend the powerful prayer to calm the heart.

This prayer will help you to be calmer and will prevent you from dreaming about bad things.

You can pray these two prayers before bed or when you wake up, believe me they will improve your life a lot!

More dreams:

It's not hard to find the Rosary dream meaning, but the truth is that it is not always what we expect.

If you haven't answered all your questions, don't hesitate to leave a little comment here, we'll be happy to answer it as soon as possible.

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Comments (4)


I dreamed that I received a white rosary from a priest, but when I opened the package it broke in my hands, I went to the priest and said it was broken and he gave me another one, I wanted a green one, but he gave me a white one again, it was a beautiful rosary and the feeling in the dream was good, of a church group reunion.


I dreamed that I was going to some kind of party, it seemed that I took the rosary without thinking it fell and then I took it and the rosary was white then out of nowhere I saw the other rosary broken in my mind then I kept the rosary I took and like at the party there were a lot of girls dating not hidden and my dad was at the party with me and on the way out it happened i find the rosary is very confusing iso.


I dreamed that I entered an empty and strange house there were three thirds two dark blue and one fluorescent green, then my mother and I, who was in that dream, she took the rosaries and said she was going to take them with her there were two simple rings she took also and the house gave a medinho serto


I dreamed that it looked like it was a building, or an old old house, I don't remember very well.
the rosary was made of pink stones, like pink quartz, the irregular stones and I think I had gotten it from a very dear Aunt who appeared in the dream, and the husband of this aunt of mine, died a month ago. and I remember very well,, that I was shocked when I saw the broken rosary, in the middle of the dirt, bricks, and this aunt of mine was with me, for that reason I suppose, that I won her,,, but I don't remember having received from her hands.
